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Origin Doors

What is Secured by Design (SBD)?

Secured by Design (SBD) is a police-preferred standard that focuses on the level of performance on accessible doors and windows for weather, security, operation and quality. It supports the principles of ‘designing out crime’ via physical security and processes.

What British Standards must be achieved (must be UKAS accredited) for SBD?

To achieve SBD standard each product must achieve the following standards:

  1.  PAS 24 (Enhanced Security)
  2.  BS EN 6375 Part 1 (Weathertightness)
  3.  BS EN 6375 Part 2 (Operational and Strength Characteristics)
  4.  BS EN 6375 Part 3 (Basic Security)
  5.  ISO 9001 (Quality management)

Do Origin products achieve the 5 standards above?

The Origin products covered by SBD are our Bi-fold Door, Residential Door, OW70 Window and OW80 Window* 

Can a product which has achieved the above standards show the SBD emblem?

Yes. The Origin products that have achieved these standards are too registered with Secured by Design and we are thus permitted to show the emblem. 

Are Origin products Secured by Design?

The Origin products listed above are Secured by Design and show the SBD emblem.

When did Origin become registered with Secured by Design?

In August of 2019, Origin products became Secure by Design and we are now able to show the SBD emblem. Origin is renowned for its expert design and precision engineering and therefore our customers know that they are receiving a superior product that not only meets current building regulations, it exceeds them.

What are the advantages of showing the SBD emblem?

Anyone familiar with the SBD emblem will know straight away that the product and all of its hardware and ancillaries is of a good standard. With the emblem, businesses can quickly and easily communicate that their products meet high standards.

Is SBD required for Building Regulations Approved Document Q?

No. Only PAS 24 standards are required to meet current building regulations, which is only part of what Secured by Design tests for. If you need to meet building regulations then you don’t necessarily need to look for SBD products.

To find out more about Approved Document Q building regulations, click here.

*Certain restrictions apply in order to pass SBD Standards.